The toll of caregiving is a well documented fact. We want to equip our parents with tools to help them navigate what can be a very stressful world when caring for a fragile child. Towards that end, we are offering the following programming.
Ring14 USA was excited to join with several other rare epilepsy organizations including The Brain Recovery Project, Hope for HH, Tess Foundation, Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation (PMSF), and Lennox-Gastuat Syndrome (LGS) Foundation – to present a three part series on the Toll of Caregiving in Parents of Children with Medical Issues. Special thanks to Monika Jones and the Brain Recovery Project for coordinating this terrific content. These webinars were originally live, but were recorded and can now be viewed at your convenience.
Meet the facilitator, Eileen Devine.

About the speaker. Eileen Devine is a licensed clinical social worker. You can read more about her here. She is also the author of this blog post. Eileen seeks to provide families with tangible things to do – everything from introspection and reflection (how to do it, why it’s important, etc.) and then more concrete self-care practices that relate to mind/mental health, body (physical health and also nervous system health) and spiritual health. She often also talks about relational stress that is present in family units and parenting partnerships/marriages and what can be done to help strengthen those relationships as well.
Read Eileen’s blog about parenting children with neurological challenges here.
Webinar #1: Toll of Caregiver Trauma – Part 1
Webinar #2: Toll of Caregiver Trauma – Part 2
Webinar #3: Toll of Caregiver Trauma – Part 3