Moving Mountains, Colorado, 2021

Together We Are Moving Mountains

This year we hosted a joint conference between Dup15q Alliance, Project 8p, and Ring14 USA. 

We believe we can do more together! 

This conference is in the books, but not forgotten! If you were not able to join us in Denver, you can now view all the recorded presentations by clicking the links in the full agenda below.


Talks about Ring14

Dr. Andrew DeWoody, Ring14 International Scientific Advisory Board, explains the genetics of Ring14 Syndrome.

Dr. Alexander Vaisfeld talks about a recent publication discussing the possible causes of epilepsy within Ring14.

Dr. Marco Crimi, Ring14 International Science Director, discusses the Ring14 Research Program.

Jason Colquitt and Dr. Scott Demarest talk about data collection at multidisciplinary clinic at Children’s Hospital of Colorado.