Chromosome 14 Anomalies

Ring chromosome 14 Syndrome?

Ring14 indicates an alteration of chromosome 14, which acquires a ring shape because the two ends, one of the long arm and the other of the short arm, join together. This joining takes place as a result of two breaking events at the end of each arm, which generally involves a partial loss of genetic material of chromosome 14. This chromosomal abnormality can affect every cell or be mosaic with a cell line that has lost a complete chromosome 14 (monosomy 14).

Ring14 chromosome damage is associated with a number of frequent signs and symptoms and results in a disease characterized by both syndromic intellectual disability in addition to multiple phenotypic abnormalities.

The diagnosis of Ring14 is obtained through a simple chromosome analysis or karyotype.

Also see:

Partial deletions, translocations

Chromosome 14 can also be affected by other structural abnormalities, such as partial interstitial deletions of the long arm, balanced or unbalanced translocations with other chromosomes, in which the shape of the chromosome remains linear and does not circularizes. Signs and symptoms associated with partial linear deletions are partly similar to those associated with Ring14, such as intellectual disabilities, and include multiple phenotypic abnormalities (e.g. microcephaly) plus hypotonia (muscle weakness), frequent respiratory infections and delayed growth and learning.

Also in these cases, the initial diagnosis consists of a simple chromosome analysis. If however the deletion is submicroscopic, it will be detectable only through a molecular-cytogenetic test, the Array-CGH.


In other cases, chromosome 14 anomalies associated with specific clinical conditions are not structural, but functional. A typical situation is when the two chromosome 14s are complete, but derive from the same parent. This condition is called uniparental disomy for chromosome 14 (UPD(14)), of maternal or paternal origin and occurs when both chromosome 14s come from either the mother or father.

The clinical picture is profoundly different for the two conditions. In UPD(14) of paternal origin, clinical signs are characterized by significant growth delay, peculiar conformation of skull and face, thoracic deformity, anomalies of the abdominal wall and intellectual disabilities; pregnancy is often complicated by polyhydramnios. In UPD(14) of maternal origin, clinical signs are less severe and characterized by hypotonia, feeding disorders in the first years of life, milder intellectual disability, short stature and small hands and feet. Obesity with hyperphagia typically develops towards 7-9 years, presenting a clinical situation similar to Prader-Willi.

The majority of UPD(14) cases found so far are associated with balanced Robertsonian translocations, such as translocation t(13; 14), with normal karyotype. In any case, the diagnosis of UPD cannot be determined from a simple chromosome analysis, but requires specific molecular genetic tests that identify the origin of both parental chromosome 14s.

All syndromic conditions associated with structural or functional abnormalities of chromosome 14 are rare. However, it is likely that their frequency is underestimated, particularly with regard to Ring14 syndrome due to the fact that phenotypic abnormalities are often mild, so examination of chromosomes is not performed or done late.

Clinical and genetic classification of these conditions, possible only through a comparative analysis of a large number of samples, will lead to an improved understanding of these symptoms for families and clinicians, and will also facilitate the development of more effective treatments.

What are the symptoms of Ring14 syndrome? What are the symptoms of syndromes of linear deletion of chromosome 14?

Regarding the Ring14 syndrome, the signs and most common symptoms are related to the central nervous system and retina, but vary in number and severity in individual patients.

Extent of intellectual disability, motor deficit and hypotonia are in fact variable, also microcephaly (reduction of the measure head circumference) is not constant. Language is usually limited, also in a variable manner.

The retina can be affected by hyperpigmentation with small yellowish-white spots in the mid-periphery. This can also affect the macula and the formation of cataracts sometimes occurs.

Early-onset epilepsy (often in the very first weeks / months of life) is a consistent clinical symptom, manifested by generalized or complex partial seizures of suspected frontotemporal origin. It is often difficult to control by drug therapies and quite unpredictable with long periods marked by a few crisis. Status epilepticus, mainly partial, are common.

Some minor physical anomalies are typical. These include flat occiput, high and rounded forehead with pronounced metopic ridge, mild ptosis, epicanthal folds, elongated face, enlarged nose root with rounded nose tip and anteverted nostrils, long philtrum, low-set ears with voluminous lobes and prominent anthelix, microretrognathia, short neck; and more rarely, lymphedema of the back of hands and feet. Abdominal and intrathoracic organs are developed normally. Discoloration with hyperpigmentation of skin, such as dark spots are possible. An immune deficiency (in particular, immunoglobulin IgA) explains the increased risk of respiratory infections and gastrointestinal disorders.

The linear deletions of chromosome 14, at least those that affect the terminal part of the long arm, are associated, in addition to intellectual disability, with physical traits similar to those of Ring14 syndrome. In these cases, epilepsy and pigmentary abnormalities of the retina are usually absent.